Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Old flames and their car dealer doppelgängers

I met my old lover 
On the street last night 
She seemed so glad to see me 
I just smiled 
And we talked about some old times 
And we drank ourselves some beers 
Still crazy afler all these years 
Oh, still crazy after all these years 

- Paul Simon.

Well, I didn't exactly meet my old lover. But I googled him. I googled all of them (didn't take long... how embarrassing is that!?).

I found something rather strange. There are people with the same names as two of my old flames operating second hand car dealerships in New Zealand. 

I know the Kiwi car dealers aren't my old flames, as one old flame sputtered out well and truly in the late 1990s - poor guy died with a brain tumour. The other is an engineer and living in Hong Kong.

The sputtered out old flame was, in fact, a car salesman himself and had been all his life - which made me wonder whether names affect your job destiny. He had a slightly uncommon name. It wasn't Ford Prefect either.

But what are the odds of two people having car dealerships and the same names as my old boyfriends? Perhaps I exist in a strange kind of space-time continuum.

1 comment:

  1. I found something rather strange. There are people with the same names as two of my old flames operating second hand car dealerships in New Zealand. car seat canopy
